Patient Access

what key agencies can a depression patient access

by Mr. Adrain Ryan Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Where can I find more information about mental health disorders?

The public as well as mental health patients and their families can connect with trials conducted by NIMH and learn more about their latest findings as well as access a compendium of information on the nature of any mental health disorder on their site or by connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other venues.

Who should be screened for depression in clinical practices?

Adults and adolescents 12 to 18 years of age should be screened for depression in clinical practices that have systems to ensure effective diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. There is insufficient evidence to balance the benefits and harms of screening children seven to 11 years of age for depression.

What are the barriers to accessing mental health services?

Financial Barriers to Mental Healthcare Even after the Affordable Care Act required medical insurers to provide coverage for behavioral and mental healthcare, the cost of treatment often limits access to mental health services. For many individuals, a lack of financial resources prevents them from seeking help at all.

How can organizations help people with mental health disorders?

Across the country and around the world, there are a number of organizations dedicated to helping people who struggle with mental health disorders and their families to better understand the nature of their illnesses and connect with treatment that will assist them with managing symptoms.


What organization can help with depression?

These are the best organizations for depression and other related mental health conditions.Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.American Psychological Association (APA)More items...•

What Organisations can provide help to individuals with a mental illness?

Below are details on services and organisations that offer help and support directly to people with mental health problems:Talk to Samaritans. ... Shout Crisis Text Line. ... Rethink Mental Illness. ... Mind. ... CALM Helpline and webchat. ... Tell someone you can trust. ... Talk to your GP. ... Specialist Mental Health Services.

Which is the best professional to consult for a severe case of depression?

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is also a medical doctor (MD) who is trained to assess, diagnose, and treat mental health disorders like depression.

What can the government do to help with mental health?

The federal government also provides Mental Health Block Grants (MHBG) that support states in building out their community mental health services. MHA supports the continued role of the federal government in funding services and advocates for expanded and sustained funding for mental health services.

What does the NHS do for mental health?

The NHS works with various organisations to run mental health services across England. They might be charities, private companies or not-for-profit organisations. These are called service providers.

Who can I talk to when I need help?

List of available warmlinesStateWarmline NamePhone NumberDCAccess Helpline(888) 793-4357DEContact Lifeline(800) 262-9800FLCentral Florida Crisis Line(407) 425-2624FLMHA SETH Line(954) 578-564065 more rows

Who do u talk to about depression?

When to Talk to Your Doctor About Depression. Identifying the symptoms of depressive disorders is the first step to understanding your condition and discussing it with a doctor. If you're experiencing these five hallmark symptoms of a depressive disorder (as defined by the DSM-5) on most days, speak up to your doctor.

Does neurologist treat depression?

Neurologists prescribe antidepressants to treat depression in neurological patients, chronic pain syndromes and neuropathic pain, panic attacks, eating disorders, premenstrual syndrome and for migraine prevention.

What are the 3 basic approaches to treating depression?

There are many types of therapy available. Three of the more common methods used in depression treatment include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy.

What is the largest funding source for mental health services?

In fact, Medicaid is the largest payer for mental health services across the country. Medicaid funding is a joint effort by states and the federal government and requires sustained support from both levels.

What rights do the mentally ill have?

People living with mental health conditions have the right to be free from all abuses, including the practices of seclusion and restraint. Shackling, physical restraints, chemical restraints, and seclusion are among the practices used in schools and treatment facilities and throughout the criminal justice system.

What is the mental health policy?

What is a mental health policy? It's a measure taken to define the overall vision of your company's approach to mental health. This provides benchmarks for preventing and treating mental disorders, as well as promoting mental health in your workplace.

What organization is the biggest provider of mental health services in the United States?

1. American Psychiatric Association (APA)

Why are mental health organizations important?

Mental health services also reduce the risk of chronic diseases related to stress, anxiety and substance abuse. Most importantly, mental health services save lives, while improving the outlook for people who may feel hopeless and lost.

What is mental health Association of Zambia?

Mental health Association of Zambia (MHAZ), Mental Health Association of Zambia is the voluntary national body con- cerned to work for the rights and improve the mental health situation in the country. They have branches around Zambia.

Is Nami a good organization?

NAMI has received a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. This rating shows that NAMI adheres to best practices and fulfills our mission in a financially efficient way.

What is the purpose of mental health organizations?

Across the country and around the world, there are a number of organizations dedicated to helping people who struggle with mental health disorders and their families to better understand the nature of their illnesses and connect with treatment that will assist them with managing symptoms.

When did the National Alliance on Mental Illness start?

The National Alliance on Mental Illness began in 1979 when a small group of families first began meeting to support one another and share their experiences living with mental illness. It has since grown into a grassroots advocacy organization with hundreds of affiliates staffed by volunteers who work to increase awareness of the issues facing people living with mental illness and support people in their journey toward balance through treatment.

What is the NAMI helpline?

NAMI also advocates for public policy changes that empower families living with mental health disorders, sponsors public awareness events, provides educational services on mental health disorders and related issues, and maintains their toll-free NAMI helpline (800-950-NAMI) to provide information and support to people in need.

What is the mission of the National Institute of Mental Health?

The mission of the National Institute of Mental Health is to prevent and cure all mental illnesses. To do this, NIMH seeks to form a more comprehensive understanding of mental health disorders and their treatments through clinical research.

What is a mental health forum?

A place for people living with mental health issues and their caregivers to share their stories. A forum for people living with mental illness and their families to speak out and connect with others. Opinion on mental health policy and policies that impact mental health treatment, patients, and their families. History.

When was the Division of Mental Health created?

To address this issue, WHO created their Division of Mental Health in the 1970s.

Can the public see NIMH trials?

The public as well as mental health patients and their families can connect with trials conducted by NIMH and learn more about their latest findings as well as access a compendium of information on the nature of any mental health disorder on their site or by connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other venues.

What are some examples of evidence based approaches to the treatment of depression?

Examples of evidence-based approaches specific to the treatment of depression include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and problem-solving therapy. More information on psychotherapy is available on the NIMH Psychotherapies webpage.

What is depression brochure?

Depression: This brochure provides information about depression including the different types of depression, signs and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, treatment options, and how to find help for yourself or a loved one.

What is the best medicine for depression?

Antidepressants are medicines that treat depression. They may help improve the way your brain uses certain chemicals that control mood or stress. You may need to try several different antidepressant medicines before finding the one that improves your symptoms and has manageable side effects.

How long does it take to get diagnosed with depression?

It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.

What is a teen depression flier?

Teen Depression: This flier for teens describes depression and how it differs from regular sadness. It also describes symptoms, causes, and treatments, with information on getting help and coping. Shareable Resources on Depression: Help support depression awareness and education in your community.

How do you know if you have depression?

If you have been experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from depression: Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood. Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism. Irritability.

When does depression start?

Depression can happen at any age, but often begins in adulthood. Depression is now recognized as occurring in children and adolescents, although it sometimes presents with more prominent irritability than low mood. Many chronic mood and anxiety disorders in adults begin as high levels of anxiety in children.

What is the treatment for depression?

These include electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for depressive disorder with psychosis or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for severe depression. Light therapy, which uses a light box to expose a person to full spectrum light in an effort to regulate the hormone melatonin.

What are the factors that influence depression?

Life circumstances. Marital status, relationship changes, financial standing and where a person lives influence whether a person develops depression. Brain changes. Imaging studies have shown that the frontal lobe of the brain becomes less active when a person is depressed.

How to know if you have a depressive episode?

To be diagnosed with depressive disorder, a person must have experienced a depressive episode lasting longer than two weeks. The symptoms of a depressive episode include: 1 Loss of interest or loss of pleasure in all activities 2 Change in appetite or weight 3 Sleep disturbances 4 Feeling agitated or feeling slowed down 5 Fatigue 6 Feelings of low self-worth, guilt or shortcomings 7 Difficulty concentrating or making decisions 8 Suicidal thoughts or intentions

What causes depression in young people?

It can be triggered by a life crisis, physical illness or something else—but it can also occur spontaneously. Scientists believe several factors can contribute to depression: Trauma. When people experience trauma at an early age, it can cause long-term changes in how their brains respond to fear and stress.

What are some disorders that run in families?

Genetics. Mood disorders, such as depression, tend to run in families.

Is depressive disorder a treatment plan?

Although depressive disorder can be a devastating illness, it often responds to treatment. The key is to get a specific evaluation and treatment plan. Safety planning is important for individuals who have suicidal thoughts. After an assessment rules out medical and other possible causes, a patient-centered treatment plans can include any or a combination of the following:

Can depression be caused by medication?

Some medical syndromes (like hypothyroidism) can mimic depressive disorder. Some medications can also cause symptoms of depression.

How many times more likely are people with anxiety to go to the doctor?

People with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders.

What is the purpose of the ADAA?

ADAA’s unique interlinked public and professional mission focuses on improving quality of life for those with these disorders through the alignment of innovative research, evidence-based treatment, education and support. ADAA's mental health professional members contribute blog posts, webinars, website content and more to help improve the quality of life for individuals and their families struggling with anxiety and depression.

How many members does the ADAA have?

With more than 1,300 professional mental health members (many of whom contribute blog posts, host webinars, review website content and more) ADAA is a leader in education, training, and research.

What is the ADAA?

Founded 40 years ago, ADAA is an international nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders through education, practice, and research.

What is the Montgomery-sberg Depression Rating Scale?

The 10-item Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) measures severity of depression in individuals 18 years and older. Each item is rated on a 7-point scale. The scale is an adaptation of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and has a greater sensitivity to change over time. The scale can be completed in 20 to 30 minutes.

Why is careful assessment important?

Careful assessment is an important part of evidence-based practice . Initial assessments of depressive symptoms can help determine possible treatment options, and periodic assessment throughout care can guide treatment and gauge progress. Many of the instruments described below were used in the studies that served as the evidence base ...

How long does it take to complete the Beck Depression Inventory?

The inventory contains 21 self-report items which individuals complete using multiple choice response formats. The BDI takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Validity and reliability of the BDI has been tested across populations, worldwide.

Why do clinicians review evidence based literature?

Clinicians are encouraged to review the evidence-based literature about these assessments, especially regarding their intended use and appropriate populations, in order to determine which tools are best suited for their patients and practices.

Can other investigators use scales?

Other investigators may use the scales and indexes reproduced in this report without permission from either the present investigators or the Journal of Gerontology.

What are the tools used to diagnose depression?

For commenters expressing a preference for depression screening instruments in the primary care setting, the following tools were mentioned: the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2), the M-3 Checklist, the Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15) and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D).

How does screening help with depression?

Sharp and Lipsky conducted a review of screening measures for use in primary care settings. The authors observed that identifying patients with depression can be difficult in busy practices where time is limited, but stated that certain screening measures may help physicians diagnose the disorder. Sharp and Lipsky explained that depression screening measures do not diagnose depression, but rather provide an indication of the severity of symptoms and assess that severity within a given time period of, e.g., within the past 7-14 days. Although screening tools have unique scoring systems, higher scores generally reflect more severe symptoms, and measures have a statistically predetermined cutoff score at which symptoms are considered significant. Patients who score above predetermined cut-off levels should be interviewed more specifically for a diagnosis of a depressive disorder and, as clinically indicated, be treated within the primary care physician’s scope of practice or referred to a mental health subspecialist. Sharp and Lipsky further suggested that targeted screening in high-risk patients – those with chronic diseases, pain, unexplained symptoms, stressful home environments, social isolation or the elderly – may provide an alternative approach to better identify depressed patients. [28]

What is the grade of depression screening?

Grade: B recommendation.

How many comments did CMS receive?

During the initial 30-day public comment period, CMS received 22 comments, all of which supported Medicare coverage of screening for depression. Those who self-identified when submitting comments came from organizations serving the elderly, physician groups, industry, psychologists, educators and other healthcare professionals. Of these commenters, 14 spoke to treatment for depression with regular re-screening at various intervals (i.e., longitudinal tracking) to help ascertain treatment effectiveness.

Does CMS cover additional preventive services?

Pursuant to §1861 (ddd) of the Social Security Act, CMS may add coverage of "additional preventive services" if certain statutory requirements are met. Our regulations provide:

Does Medicare cover depression screening?

Therefore CMS will cover annual screening for depression for Medicare beneficiaries in primary care settings that have staff-assisted depression care supports in place to assure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and follow-up. For the purposes of this decision memorandum:

Should screening be covered in primary care?

Some comments stated that screening should be covered even in the absence of staff-assisted depression care supports in the primary care setting.

What are the barriers to access to mental health care?

Barriers to mental healthcare access come with a high human cost : as one medical journalist explains, “The mentally ill who have nowhere to go and find little sympathy from those around them often land hard in emergency rooms, county jails and city streets. The lucky ones find homes with family.

How many people live in mental health shortage areas?

According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, 89.3 million Americans live in federally-designated Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (in contrast, only 55.3 million Americans live in similarly-designated primary-care shortage areas and 44.6 million live in dental health shortage areas).

What are the disparities in mental health?

There are significant disparities in mental healthcare access among different racial and ethnic groups. One study looks at how the Affordable Care Act has impacted mental healthcare access. The study found that white people are the only racial group in which a majority of people with severe psychological distress get treatment. More than half of people facing severe mental illness who are Black, Hispanic or Asian don’t get treatment.

How can mental health improve lives?

Making sure that individuals have access to mental healthcare can improve lives and communities. For many, it can dramatically reduce or eliminate the risk of suicide, legal issues, family conflict, employment issues, substance abuse and further mental and physical health problems. In order to increase the use of mental healthcare services, ...

How many people have mental health issues?

But mental health issues are far more common than most people realize. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1 in 5 American adults have experienced a mental health issue, and 1 in 25 Americans live with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression.

Does the Affordable Care Act limit mental health services?

Even after the Affordable Care Act required medical insurers to provide coverage for behavioral and mental healthcare, the cost of treatment often limits access to mental health services. For many individuals, a lack of financial resources prevents them from seeking help at all. For others, a lack of financial resources can lead to inconsistent or inadequate treatment.

Do rural areas have mental health providers?

Rural areas often have few to no mental healthcare providers at all, let alone providers with specialties. Urban clinics and providers often have long waiting lists, and patients can suffer for months before they get a basic intake appointment.

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