Patient Access

patient access services definition

by Prof. Shaniya Hane V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Patient Access is a website that displays information from the practice's system and allows you to: View and book available appointments. View your medication and request further prescriptions.

At its most basic, “patient access” is defined quite literally. It refers to the availability of healthcare, the ability of consumers to access care and treatment. Patient access is an integral part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).Jan 21, 2016

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What are the duties of a patient access specialist?

Patient Access Specialist Duties and Responsibilities

  • Answer phone calls
  • Check-in existing patients and verify their information
  • Register new patients
  • Collect co-pays and other payments
  • Schedule appointments
  • Pull or request charts for upcoming appointments
  • Assist with insurance authorizations and other tasks as needed

What does a patient access representative do?

  • Processing patients' information, including reasons for seeking treatment and insurance information
  • Entering patient information into clinical databases and maintaining accurate patient records
  • Communicating important information with appropriate staff members
  • Answering patients' questions and providing guidance through concerns or issues

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How can hospital's patient access team help with revenue?

The Patient Access as a core function of the Revenue Cycle starts with registration, scheduling and all of its support processes to patients, providers, and payers throughout the patient’s healthcare experience. Its main function is to supply information which results in building the foundation for medical records, billing & collections.

What is the definition of patient access?

Patient Access Playbook: Introduction. Patients have a right to access their medical records. It is critical that practices help provide patients with their own health information, not only because it’s the law but also because it is the right thing to do. A range of medical professionals have a role—major or minor—in responding to and ...


What is the role of patient access?

Patient Access Representatives are responsible for guiding patients through the admissions process by screening patients for eligibility, preparing patient information for clinical staff, and answering patient questions.

What are the 4 main types of access to care?

Coverage: facilitates entry into the health care system. ... Services: Having a usual source of care is associated with adults receiving recommended screening and prevention services.Timeliness: ability to provide health care when the need is recognized.Workforce: capable, qualified, culturally competent providers.

Why is Patient Access important in healthcare?

Patient Access often sets the tone for the patient's perception of the organization and their overall care journey. Consumers of health care are looking for the same conveniences, access to information and customer service that they are used to from other industries, such as retail and travel.

What is the meaning of access to health services?

A measure of the proportion of a population that reaches appropriate health services. This concept is used to detect inequity in the use of services between different populations defined geographically, socially, or in terms of their clinical condition.

What are the 5 A's of accessibility?

They grouped these characteristics into five As of access to care: affordability, availability, accessibility, accommodation, and acceptability.

What are the 5 as health care access and the factors affecting accessibility?

We conceptualise five dimensions of accessibility: 1) Approachability; 2) Acceptability; 3) Availability and accommodation; 4) Affordability; 5) Appropriateness. In this framework, five corresponding abilities of populations interact with the dimensions of accessibility to generate access.

How can patient access be improved?

Five Steps to Improving Patient Access to Healthcare#1: Create a Patient Access Task Force. ... #2: Assess Barriers to Patient Access. ... #3: Turn Access Barriers into Opportunities. ... #4: Implement an Improved Patient Access Plan. ... #5: Scale and Sustain Better Patient Access.

What factors affect access to healthcare?

They include poverty and its correlates, geographic area of residence, race and ethnicity, sex, age, language spoken, and disability status. The ability to access care—including whether it is available, timely and convenient, and affordable—affects health care utilization.

What are barriers to healthcare access?

Top Challenges Impacting Patient Access to HealthcareLimited appointment availability, office hours.Geographic, clinician shortage issues.Transportation barriers.Limited education about care sites.Social determinants of health barriers.

What is the importance of health services?

Providing social health protection and equal access to quality health care has significant positive effects on individual and public health, economic growth and development. The health sector is also a major employment sector, with important potential in job creation.

What are the 4 components of a healthcare system?

Figure 1–1 illustrates that a health care delivery system incorporates four functional components—financing, insurance, delivery, and payment, or the quad-function model.

How do you assess access to healthcare?

As to measure and evaluate healthcare accessibility, three factors are essential: healthcare capacity, population demand, and geographic impedance [6,7,8]. Healthcare capacity is the supply of healthcare services. Additionally, it can be represented by using the amount of specific facilities, physicians, or sickbeds.

What are the different types of access?

Three main types of access control systems are: Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Role Based Access Control (RBAC), and Mandatory Access Control (MAC). DAC is a type of access control system that assigns access rights based on rules specified by users.

What are 5 different types of care?

Types of careResidential care. ... Nursing care. ... Respite care. ... End-of-life care.

What are the different types of access control lists?

There are two types of ACLs: Filesystem ACLs━filter access to files and/or directories. Filesystem ACLs tell operating systems which users can access the system, and what privileges the users are allowed. Networking ACLs━filter access to the network.

How many types of access are there in security level?

Access Level There are currently two types of Access Levels, one that restricts data based off the person/Division that has entered it, and one that restricts access based on the Project.

What is patient access?

In the most basic sense, patient access refers to the ability of patients and their families to take charge of their own health care. With the advent of the internet and digital marketing, medical practices ...

What Happens When Patient Access Goes Wrong?

During this period, patients at VA hospitals were not being seen within the target time of 14 days. Some of these patients died while they were waiting for an appointment. The most extreme case was in Phoenix where 35 veterans died while waiting for care (Source).

How to notify patients of new system?

Notify patients of the new system through blast email or phone call (can automate to make easier – separate step)

What is the purpose of measuring the number of basic symptom cases that are no longer being seen by the doctors/provide?

Measure the number of basic symptom cases that are no longer being seen by the doctors/providers and are now being addressed by the nurses/physician assistants. This frees up more appointments for the doctors eventually resulting in more complicated cases being seen by them.

Do you need to see a doctor for a patient with a symtom?

Implement a policy to refer patients with basic symptoms to a physician assistant (PA) or nurse practitioner. It is not necessary for them to see a doctor or specialist.

Can you monitor patient reviews online?

You can have someone monitor patient reviews online to see if patients are leaving positive feedback. The hope is that improving access leads to the improved overall care and improved patient satisfaction.

What is a patient access associate?

The Patient Access Associate creates the initial record that serves as the foundation of the patient’s medical record. The data collected is utilized by multiple members of the healthcare team to include Patient Accounts, Patient Information, Clinicians and Health Information Management. A complete interview must be conducted with the patient or responsible party to ensure the most current and accurate data is on file. The collection of demographic and insurance information along with other required registration fields must be validated and updated each time a patient is registered.

Who is the guarantor of a patient's account?

The guarantor is the person or entity who is financially responsible for payment on a patient's account. Usually the patient is financially responsible for medical charges. A parent or legal guardian/trustee is the guarantor for patient's under 18 years of age. This may also be the case for patients with a decreased mental capacity.

What is a registrar in healthcare?

registrar is responsible for the input of the patients insurance or payment information. A registrar must be able to recognize the many different types of insurance plans and then input the correct numbers, addresses and phone numbers. More information about insurance is available in section three.

Do hospitals require patient access associates?

Many hospitals require Patient Access Associates to collect co-pays and deductibles at the time of service. This will require the registrar to have knowledge of pricing or pricing software as well as money management skills.

What is a patient access associate?

The Patient Access Associate creates the initial record that serves as the foundation of the patient’s medical record. The data collected is utilized by multiple members of the healthcare team to include Patient Accounts, Patient Information, Clinicians and Health Information Management. A complete interview must be conducted with the patient or responsible party to ensure the most current and accurate data is on file. The collection of demographic and insurance information along with other required registration fields must be validated and updated each time a patient is registered.

Who is the guarantor of a patient's account?

The guarantor is the person or entity who is financially responsible for payment on a patient's account. Usually the patient is financially responsible for medical charges. A parent or legal guardian/trustee is the guarantor for patient's under 18 years of age. This is also the case for patients with a decreased mental capacity.In the circumstance that the patient is legally emancipated, then the patient is the guarantor.

Do hospitals require patient access associates?

Many hospitals require Patient Access Associates to collect co-pays and deductibles at the time of service. This will require the registrar to have knowledge of pricing or pricing software as well as money management skills.

What is patient access API?

Patient Access API: CMS-regulated payers, specifically MA organizations, Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) programs, Medicaid managed care plans, CHIP FFS programs, CHIP managed care entities, and QHP issuers on the FFEs, excluding issuers offering only Stand-alone dental plans (SADPs) and QHP issuers offering coverage in the Federally-facilitated Small Business Health Options Program (FF-SHOP), are required to implement and maintain a secure, standards-based (HL7 FHIR Release 4.0.1) API that allows patients to easily access their claims and encounter information, including cost, as well as a defined sub-set of their clinical information through third-party applications of their choice. Claims data, used in conjunction with clinical data, can offer a broader and more holistic understanding of an individual’s interactions with the healthcare system, leading to better decision-making and better health outcomes. These payers are required to implement the Patient Access API beginning January 1, 2021 (for QHP issuers on the FFEs, plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2021).

What is CMS' role in protecting patient information?

CMS is taking additional steps to provide payers and patients opportunities and information to protect patient data and make informed decisions about sharing patient health information with third parties. For instance, as part of this final rule a payer may ask third-party application developers to attest to certain privacy provisions, such as whether their privacy policy specifies secondary data uses, and inform patients about those attestations. CMS is also working with payers to provide information they can use to educate patients about sharing their health information with third parties, and the role of federal partners like the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in protecting their rights.

What is CMS data exchange?

Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange: CMS-regulated payers are required to exchange certain patient clinical data (specifically the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) version 1 data set) at the patient’s request, allowing the patient to take their information with them as they move from payer to payer over time to help create a cumulative health record with their current payer. Having a patient’s health information in one place will facilitate informed decision-making, efficient care, and ultimately can lead to better health outcomes. These payers are required to implement a process for this data exchange beginning January 1, 2022 (for QHP issuers on the FFEs, plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2022).

What is CMS 9115-F?

Overview#N#The Interoperability and Patient Access final rule (CMS-9115-F) delivers on the Administration’s promise to put patients first, giving them access to their health information when they need it most and in a way they can best use it. As part of the Trump Administration’s MyHealthEData initiative, this final rule is focused on driving interoperability and patient access to health information by liberating patient data using CMS authority to regulate Medicare Advantage (MA), Medicaid, CHIP, and Qualified Health Plan (QHP) issuers on the Federally-facilitated Exchanges (FFEs).

What is provider directory API?

Provider Directory API: CMS-regulated payers noted above (except QHP issuers on the FFEs) are required by this rule to make provider directory information publicly available via a standards-based API. Making this information broadly available in this way will encourage innovation by allowing third-party application developers to access information so they can create services that help patients find providers for care and treatment, as well as help clinicians find other providers for care coordination, in the most user-friendly and intuitive ways possible. Making this information more widely accessible is also a driver for improving the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of this information. MA organizations, Medicaid and CHIP FFS programs, Medicaid managed care plans, and CHIP managed care entities are required to implement the Provider Directory API by January 1, 2021. QHP issuers on the FFEs are already required to make provider directory information available in a specified, machine-readable format.

When will CMS report CAHs?

Public Reporting and Information Blocking: Beginning in late 2020, and starting with data collected for the 2019 performance year data, CMS will publicly report eligible clinicians, hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) that may be information blocking based on how they attested to certain Promoting Interoperability Program requirements. Knowing which providers may have attested can help patients choose providers more likely to support electronic access to their health information.

Do patients have a right to access their health information?

Patients have a right under HIPAA to access their health information. We believe they also have a right to know their health information is exchanged in a way that ensures their privacy and security. We are working to balance these important issues in a way that empowers patients to be in charge of their healthcare.

What is a patient access task force?

The patient access task force must include representation from C-level leadership and leaders from across the organization. This structure encourages buy-in and championing from the top down, which builds the likelihood of widespread adoption and standardization of patient access improvement initiatives. Multidisciplinary engagement also ensures meeting different department needs (e.g., physician leaders represent clinical concerns), leveraging accessible solutions (e.g., IT leaders offer practical digital tools), and financial optimization.

What are the steps to improve patient access?

Steps 1 through 3 will inform an improved patient access plan, aligning the plan’s champions and leaders, identifying barriers and patient preferences, and targeting opportunities to better connect patients with care. Step 4 involves implementing the improved patient access plan. The implementation may comprise initiatives such as the following:

What are patient preferences and concerns?

Patient preferences and concerns health systems may want to learn about include the importance of ample, available appointment times; the ease (or difficulty) of making appointments by phone and online; how long patients are willing to wait for an appointment; and how far they’re ready to travel for care. Provider input may include differing referral preferences between clinics, confusing referral processes, inconsistent follow-up from the referred provider, and denied appointments.

What is the challenge of access to healthcare?

Improving patient access to healthcare has long been a common challenge for health systems. From understanding patient preferences about how to make appointments and meeting expectations, including wait times and travel distance for care, to decentralized referral processes, one of the most basic aspects of healthcare—getting patients access to their providers—has been a barrier to healthcare delivery and improvement.

How does digital access benefit health care?

By increasing digital access, many organizations benefit from this shift by maintaining patient traffic (and associated revenue), while patients benefit with convenient access to care. Health systems are also learning that standardizing virtual care also patients overcome non-pandemic-era access barriers, such as finding transportation to appointments and aligning work and personal schedules with appointment times.

What is standardized referral process?

A standardized referral process built into the organization’s EMR with a process that gives feedback to the referring provider.

Why do we collect and analyze data on patients who fail to meet appointments?

Collect and analyze data on patients who fail to meet appointments so that changes could be made based on the patterns shown.

Why is improving the patient financial experience required a new approach to financial services and counseling?

Leadership recognized that improving the patient financial experience required a new approach to financial services and counseling because each patient’s circumstances are unique.

What is a meeting with clinical and financial staff?

Meetings were held with both clinical and financial staff to design optimized workflows that allow patients to be financially cleared prior to hospital arrival. Onsite workshops focused on best practices for consolidating scheduling in preregistration authorization and combining admitting and financial counseling functions under one independent business owner for scheduled outpatient admissions.

How many patients depend on the health system each year?

With 270,000 patients depending on the health system for care each year, the impacts of disjointed patient access and financial services processes for outpatient visits were substantial:

What percentage of appointments do not have wait times?

Seventy percent of scheduled appointments do not experience wait times.

What does "access to health care" mean?

What does 'access to health care' mean? Facilitating access is concerned with helping people to command appropriate health care resources in order to preserve or improve their health. Access is a complex concept and at least four aspects require evaluation.

What is facilitating access?

Facilitating access is concerned with helping people to command appropriate health care resources in order to preserve or improve their health. Access is a complex concept and at least four aspects require evaluation. If services are available and there is an adequate supply of services, then the opportunity to obtain health care exists, ...

What is the extent to which a population gains access to services?

The extent to which a population 'gains access' also depends on financial, organisational and social or cultural barriers that limit the utilisation of services.

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