Patient Access

patient access scheme accés au patient

by Abe Gutmann MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What are patient access schemes?

Patient access schemes are innovative pricing agreements proposed by pharmaceutical companies. They aim to improve cost-effectiveness and enable patients to gain access to high cost drugs and treatments. Companies may submit a patient access scheme proposal for any technology going through the NICE appraisal process.

What is the patient access schemes Liaison Unit?

The Patient Access Schemes Liaison Unit is part of our Centre for Health Technology Evaluation. It was set up when the Department of Health asked NICE to advise on the feasibility of patient access scheme proposals from companies.

What is in partnership with patient access?

In partnership with Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.

How does patient access work for your practice?

Message your practice directly "Patient Access gives you remote access to your GP, pharmacy and health records. For those going into self-isolation, retaining their access to health services is vital." All of our services, content and processes follow a strict set of clinical guidelines, ensuring a safe environment for patient care.


What is the patient access scheme?

Patient access schemes are innovative pricing agreements proposed by pharmaceutical companies. They aim to improve cost-effectiveness and enable patients to gain access to high cost drugs and treatments. Companies may submit a patient access scheme proposal for any technology going through the NICE appraisal process.

What is the special access scheme?

The Special Access Scheme (SAS) allows certain health practitioners to access therapeutic goods (such as medicines, medical devices or biologicals) that are not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for a single patient.

What is the difference between compassionate use and expanded access?

Expanded access, also called “compassionate use,” provides a pathway for patients to gain access to investigational drugs, biologics, and medical devices used to diagnose, monitor, or treat patients with serious diseases or conditions for which there are no comparable or satisfactory therapy options available outside ...

What is Managed Access Program?

Patients with serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions sometimes seek medical products that are not yet approved or available in their country. Novartis “Managed Access” addresses this need by making certain investigational or unapproved treatments available to eligible patients.

What is SAS Category A?

Category A is a notification pathway which can only be accessed by medical practitioners for patients who are seriously ill with a condition from which death is reasonably likely to occur within a matter of months, or from which premature death is reasonably likely to occur in the absence of early treatment.

What is compassionate supply?

In some circumstances and at their own discretion, a sponsor may provide a therapeutic good to a patient on a compassionate basis (referred to as compassionate supply) at reduced or no cost.

Is compassionate use free?

Some drug companies will supply a drug through compassionate use for free, but others might charge patients. Most insurance companies will not pay for the costs of the investigational drugs themselves, even with compassionate use.

How do I get expanded access?

Expanded AccessPatient has a serious disease or condition, or whose life is immediately threatened by their disease or condition.There is no comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy to diagnose, monitor, or treat the disease or condition.Patient enrollment in a clinical trial is not possible.More items...•

What is the difference between emergency use and compassionate use?

Compassionate use means that the use does not meet the criteria for emergency use, and therefore prior FDA approval (IDE) is required before the device can be used. Standard IRB review and approval (like a research study) is required for neither emergency nor compassionate use.

What is a named patient program?

Named Patient Programs provide controlled access to drugs in response to requests by physicians on behalf of specific, or “named,” patients when those medicines are not licensed in the patient's country.

What is individual patient use?

Individual Patients: Allows a single patient, with a serious disease or condition who cannot participate in a clinical trial, access to a drug or biological product that has not been approved by the FDA.

What program might impact a patient's access to a clinical trial before a drug or biologic is approved?

Expanded Access Program (EAP)An Expanded Access Program (EAP) allows physicians and patients access to pre-approval, investigational drugs outside of the clinical trial setting.

What means compassionate use?

Listen to pronunciation. (kum-PA-shuh-nut yoos) A way to provide an investigational therapy to a patient who is not eligible to receive that therapy in a clinical trial, but who has a serious or life-threatening illness for which other treatments are not available.

What is compassionate use Act?

Proposition 215, or the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, is a California law permitting the use of medical cannabis despite marijuana's lack of the normal Food and Drug Administration testing for safety and efficacy.

What is an expanded access IND?

Expanded access, sometimes called "compassionate use," is the use of investigational new drug products outside of clinical trials to treat patients with serious or immediately life-threatening diseases or conditions when there are no comparable or satisfactory alternative treatment options.

What benefits did patients in the US compassionate use program receive?

In the U.S., a program known as Compassionate Use, or Expanded Access, allows terminally ill patients who meet certain medical criteria to apply (through their physicians) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the drug manufacturers for access to drugs that are undergoing FDA clinical trials.

What is patient access?

Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.

Is patient access available in the UK?

Patient Access is now available to any UK patient. Join today and benefit from a faster, smarter way to manage your healthcare.

What is patient access?

Patient access customizes a Microsoft Power Apps portal with healthcare-specific capabilities as part of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. Learn more on how to use Power Apps portals and how to deploy and configure Patient access.

How to access Patient Portal?

To access the Patient Portal app from Microsoft Power Apps, on your Power Apps Home page, select Apps, and then select the Portal - Patient app. Sign in using a local account or an external account. You can also run the Patient Portal app from a URL.

How to update profile in patient access?

The patient updates their profile and account information, and then selects Update. To update a profile at any time, or to sign out, select the user menu to view the profile and account information.

What can a patient view in a medical record?

A patient can select Medical records to view their medications, allergies, conditions, visit summaries, care plans, and care teams.

What is an inbox patient?

A patient selects Messages to use an an email app in Patient access. Inbox is a list of emails received from care providers.

What is the personal step in a patient?

In the Personal step, the patient can view and update their personal information prior to the visit.

What happens when an appointment is confirmed?

The appointment is confirmed and communication will be sent about the status of the appointment.

What is the purpose of the patient access department?

Collection of Insurance Information: The patient access department provides the input of the patients’ insurance or payment information. They scan and store multiple insurance card images and maintain a complete history of patient’s past, present and future insurances. The patient’s financial responsibility is determined by gathering data about insurance coverage, additional insurance, and their maximum allowable visits.

What is the role of patient access in the revenue cycle?

The Patient Access as a core function of the Revenue Cycle starts with registration, scheduling and all of its support processes to patients, providers, and payers throughout the patient’s healthcare experience. Its main function is to supply information which results in building the foundation for medical records, billing & collections.

What is iPatientCare?

iPatientCare is a leading healthcare technology company providing Cloud-based Unified System integrating EHR, PMS and RCM technology enhancing patient care through care management/coordination/analytics, and reducing costs of care delivery At iPatientCare, we help clients address today’s evolving Patient Access needs. As a single source, we can create standardization and accountability across all of your revenue cycle operations.

What is a patient self check in kiosk?

Patient Self Check-in Kiosk: Patient kiosk is tabloid and a phone-based software application that assists patients to do self check-in and also edit their basic demographic details. Patient kiosks can be considered as the new step taken to streamline and simplify the patient registration procedure. This Patient Self Check-in Kiosk frees the front desk from manual data entry tasks and allows them to utilize their time productively.

How does iPatientCare help?

Learn more on how iPatientCare can help you meet your challenges – from reducing bad debt to increase collections, improving efficiency and revitalize your Patient Access operations. For more information schedule a free consultation with our experts now.

How to strengthen patient access?

Generally, to strengthen the patient access, embracing technology within the revenue cycle is key. The new age of Patient Access requires better alignment to deal with key issues facing organizations and the community. The goal should be to holistically integrate Patient Access within the revenue cycle for optimal performance, focusing efforts around people, process and technology to better address client needs. Achieving the highest results requires strategies and expertise that can address the patient as an individual consumer, keeping them at the center of the process.

What is a point of service collection?

Point of Service Collections: Here the patient access personnel collect co-pays and deductibles at the time of service. Services that require co-pay, and the predetermined amount payable for each service, is specified to the patients. Many patients appreciate knowing in advance of service what their portion of the bill will be. This gives them time to prepare or to make arrangements for the payment.

Why are patient access schemes important?

Patient access schemes offer an important option for healthcare systems to allow patient access to promising technologies that may not otherwise be funded. Our study adds to existing knowledge by identifying and characterizing published patient access schemes in the Asia-Pacific region. Financially-based access schemes are most common. Australia tends to couple conditional treatment continuation with financial arrangements to provide further assurance. The main targets of patient access schemes are pharmaceuticals likely to have high budget impact due to high per-patient costs and/or large volumes of use, and pharmaceuticals that may be adopted more widely than indicated. With the rapid proliferation of high-cost medicines, these schemes may increasingly be used to enable access to innovative care within finite budgets. Future research is needed to generate evidence about the effectiveness and economic, administrative, and company pricing policy consequences of patient access schemes.

What is patient access?

Patient access (or risk-sharing) schemes are alternative market access agreements between healthcare payers and medical product manufacturers for conditional coverage of promising health technologies. This study aims to identify and characterize patient access schemes to date in the Asia-Pacific region.

What is the preponderance of pharmaceutical schemes?

The preponderance of pharmaceutical schemes may reflect the different evidence profiles at product launch, the higher budget impact of pharmaceuticals versus devices, and/or the different intellectual property and patent environments.

Why do manufacturers prefer patient access schemes over denial of coverage?

Manufacturers are likely to prefer patient access schemes over a denial of coverage or explicitly reduced pricing, in part because patient access schemes can keep the real reimbursement prices confidential allowing them to tier prices by markets without the threat of external reference pricing [ 5, 13 ].

Which countries in Asia-Pacific require proof of value for money in coverage of medical technologies?

Healthcare systems in the Asia-Pacific region that require proof of value-for-money in coverage of medical technologies include Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan [ 6 - 10 ].

Which country has the most patient access schemes?

Australia has the most experience with patient access schemes and its experience may provide useful insights for other Asia-Pacific countries. The main targets are pharmaceuticals likely to have high budget impact (due to high per-patient costs and/or large volumes of use), and pharmaceuticals that may be adopted more widely than indicated. With the proliferation of high-cost medicines, the use of schemes may increase to address rising cost pressures, consumer demands, and uncertainties, while attempting to provide patient access to innovative care within finite budgets. Future research is warranted to evaluate the performance of patient access schemes.

What is outcome based reimbursement?

First, outcome-based schemes (also known as performance-based or effectiveness guarantee schemes) in which the price, level, or nature of reimbursement are tied to clinical or intermediate endpoints measured in the future and ultimately related to patients’ quality or quantity of life.

What is SAS in medical?

The Special Access Scheme (SAS) allows certain health practitioners to access therapeutic goods (such as medicines, medical devices or biologicals) that are not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for a single patient. Therapeutic goods that are not included in the ARTG (and are not otherwise exempt from being in the ARTG) are described by us as 'unapproved'.

What is required to complete a patient identification form?

The application must be completed in full and include three patient identifiers, the patient diagnosis and indication, product details and prescriber details.

How many SAS pathways are there?

SAS pathways. There are three SAS pathways available to access 'unapproved' therapeutic goods. The prescribing health practitioner is responsible for deciding which pathway is most suitable for their patient. You will not receive acknowledgement from us when you make a SAS Category A or Category C notification.

Does the TGA request supporting evidence?

Supporting evidence may be requested by the TGA for some novel indications.

Can you submit a SAS application to a registered health practitioner?

SAS applications and notifications can only be submitted by certain registered health practitioners. Individual patients should discuss the suitability of using an 'unapproved' therapeutic good with a health practitioner.

What are the steps to improve patient access?

Steps 1 through 3 will inform an improved patient access plan, aligning the plan’s champions and leaders, identifying barriers and patient preferences, and targeting opportunities to better connect patients with care. Step 4 involves implementing the improved patient access plan. The implementation may comprise initiatives such as the following:

What is the challenge of access to healthcare?

Improving patient access to healthcare has long been a common challenge for health systems. From understanding patient preferences about how to make appointments and meeting expectations, including wait times and travel distance for care, to decentralized referral processes, one of the most basic aspects of healthcare—getting patients access to their providers—has been a barrier to healthcare delivery and improvement.

What are patient preferences and concerns?

Patient preferences and concerns health systems may want to learn about include the importance of ample, available appointment times; the ease (or difficulty) of making appointments by phone and online; how long patients are willing to wait for an appointment; and how far they’re ready to travel for care. Provider input may include differing referral preferences between clinics, confusing referral processes, inconsistent follow-up from the referred provider, and denied appointments.

What is a patient access task force?

The patient access task force must include representation from C-level leadership and leaders from across the organization. This structure encourages buy-in and championing from the top down, which builds the likelihood of widespread adoption and standardization of patient access improvement initiatives. Multidisciplinary engagement also ensures meeting different department needs (e.g., physician leaders represent clinical concerns), leveraging accessible solutions (e.g., IT leaders offer practical digital tools), and financial optimization.

How does digital access benefit health care?

By increasing digital access, many organizations benefit from this shift by maintaining patient traffic (and associated revenue), while patients benefit with convenient access to care. Health systems are also learning that standardizing virtual care also patients overcome non-pandemic-era access barriers, such as finding transportation to appointments and aligning work and personal schedules with appointment times.

How does Roche help patients?

Roche is focused on increasing broad access to medicines and diagnostic tests, as well as providing support to patients in the following areas: 1 disease awareness for patients 2 medical education for healthcare professionals 3 gaining regulatory approval through the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) 4 reducing costs for patients for our medicines via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and for our diagnostic tests via the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)

What is the role of Roche in PBS?

Roche supports the continued reform of these schemes to ensure the value of each medicine and diagnostic test is assessed on a broad range of factors , such as improved health outcomes, productivity gains, healthcare efficiency and addressing an unmet need.

Does Roche have access to PBS?

Roche recognises that patients sometimes need access to medicines outside of the established access pathways, such as for life-threatening diseases with limited approved options or for approved medicines not listed on the PBS or available via public hospitals.


Patient Portal

To access the Patient Portal app from Microsoft Power Apps, on your Power Apps Home page, select Apps, and then select the Portal - Patientapp. Sign in using a local account or an external account. You can also run the Patient Portal app from a URL. When running an app using a URL, you might be prompted to sign in using
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Update Profile

  • The first time that a patient signs in to Patient access, they are required to update their profile. The patient updates their profile and account information, and then selects Update. To update a profile at any time, or to sign out, select the user menu to view the profile and account information. Select the Healthcare app title in the upper-left corner of the screen to proceed to th…
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  • A patient selects Messages to use an an email app in Patient access. Inboxis a list of emails received from care providers. Select New message to send an email to a care provider. In New Message, select Toto select the provider recipient. This interface also allows users to directly reply to messages from care providers.
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  • Patients can see upcoming appointments and schedule appointments through a set of intuitive windows. A patient can select an upcoming appointment or cancel scheduled appointments. 1. In Appointments, select Schedule newto schedule a new appointment. 2. Select an appointment option. 2.1. Select Instant virtual appointmentsto seek immediate care with a care provider. 2.2. …
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Medical Records

  • A patient can select Medical recordsto view their medications, allergies, conditions, visit summaries, care plans, and care teams.
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Chat with A Doctor Or Agent

  • A patient can select the Let’s Chat!widget and start a chat session at any time. Starting a chat session opens an interactive Let’s Chat window. The live chat widget can be routed either to the Microsoft Azure Health Bot service or directly to a patient service agent within Omnichannel for Customer Service, depending on how the bot is configured. The bot can be programmed to esca…
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