Patient Access

patient access how to book cervical screening

by Edna Doyle Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

It is extremely important that cervical screening appointments are booked and attended. We are able to offer our patients different ways to book an appointment for this: By calling us on 01782 281806 Online using the patient access app and/or website

Full Answer

How do I book A cervical screening?

Most cervical screening is done in a GP surgery by a female nurse or doctor. In some parts of England, you may be able to go to a local sexual health clinic instead. Call your GP surgery to book an appointment with them. You might be able to book the appointment online. You'll still get a letter.

How are women screened for cervical cancer?

Women are routinely invited to have cervical screening tests (smear tests). The tests are done to prevent cervical cancer, not to diagnose cancer. During each test some cells are removed from the neck of the womb (cervix), with a plastic brush.

How do I submit bowel and cervical screening data?

Healthcare Provider Portal The Healthcare Provider Portal provides a self-service alternative for health professionals to access and submit bowel and cervical screening data electronically in the National Cancer Screening Register. To access the portal, you will need a PRODA account.

Why do women with disabilities have access to cervical screening?

These reasons may include: Women with disabilities have the same right of access to cervical screening as other women. No disabled woman can be assumed to be sexually inactive. All women are entitled to information to make their decision about cervical screening, and are entitled to reasonable adjustments to support them attending an appointment.


Can cervical cancer make you emotional?

You can have emotional and social effects after a cancer diagnosis. This may include dealing with a variety of emotions, such as sadness, anxiety, or anger, or managing your stress level. Sometimes, people find it difficult to express how they feel to their loved ones.

How is a cervical screening test done?

A Pap test is commonly used to screen for cervical cancer. Pap test. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to widen it. Then, a brush is inserted into the vagina to collect cells from the cervix. The cells are checked under a microscope for signs of disease.

Can you have a smear test the day before your period?

You can have a smear test on any day that you're not having your period.

Can you have a bath before a smear test?

Do not use douche, bubble bath, or use vaginal medicine for three days before Pap test. You may shower, but do not tub bathe 24 hours before the Pap test. Inform your clinician about additional medications/conditions that may interfere with an accurate test.

What should you not do before a smear test?

Don't use any creams, medication or lubricants in your vagina before your smear. Jess advises: "These things can also get into the sample and make it difficult to see. "It doesn't actually effect the result but it can make it hard for the person who's looking at the sample to see what it is."

Can a virgin do cervical screening?

Do virgins need Pap smears? Answer From Tatnai Burnett, M.D. Yes. Doctors recommend routine cervical cancer screening, regardless of your sexual history.

Why was my smear test so painful?

There are many reasons why a smear test may be painful, including: Vaginismus, which is when the vagina suddenly tightens as you try to put something into it. Endometriosis. Cervical ectropion (cervical erosion)

Can a smear test be done without a speculum?

One of the main causes of discomfort is the speculum (the instrument used to hold the walls of the vagina open). It is now possible to do cervical screening by testing for the virus that causes cervical cancer; human papillomavirus (HPV). An advantage of HPV testing is that samples can be taken without a speculum.

What do I wear to a smear test?

Wear comfortable clothes The doctor or nurse taking the test needs you to be relaxed when taking the test - so make sure you're comfortable. "Maybe you want to wear a skirt, so that we can lift that up and you still feel more covered - as opposed to taking off leggings or jeans," says Dr Kaye.

Should I shave before smear?

Do You Have To Shave Before A Smear Test? No. You do not need to remove any body hair before a smear test. It may seem embarrassing due to societal stigma around body hair, but doctors and nurses are used to seeing different types of vaginas and their only aim is to ensure that yours is healthy.

Can I wash my vagina before Pap smear?

Avoid intercourse, douching, or using any vaginal medicines or spermicidal foams, creams or jellies for two days before having a Pap smear, as these may wash away or obscure abnormal cells.

Should I pee before Pap smear?

Try to pee before your Pap smear. That pressure on your pelvic area might feel even more uncomfortable if you have a full bladder, says Dr. Christianson. Peeing beforehand can help, although that can put you in a tricky situation if they need a urine sample later and you haven't got a drop left.

How long does a cervical screening take?

During cervical screening a small sample of cells is taken from your cervix for testing. The test itself should take less than 5 minutes. The whole appointment should take about 10 minutes. It's usually done by a female nurse or doctor.

What's the difference between Pap smear and cervical screening?

What is the difference between a Pap smear and Cervical Screening Test? The Cervical Screening Test will look and feel the same as the Pap smear. However, the Pap smear only looked for cell changes in the cervix, whereas the Cervical Screening Test looks for the HPV which can lead to cell changes in the cervix.

Why does the speculum hurt so much?

Sometimes a pap test is excruciatingly painful not because the speculum is the wrong size, but because your vaginal issue is thin and dry or the muscles that surround the vagina are tense and painful.

Can a smear test be done without a speculum?

One of the main causes of discomfort is the speculum (the instrument used to hold the walls of the vagina open). It is now possible to do cervical screening by testing for the virus that causes cervical cancer; human papillomavirus (HPV). An advantage of HPV testing is that samples can be taken without a speculum.

What is a cervical screening test?

During each test some cells are removed from the neck of the womb (cervi x), with a plastic brush.

How many cases of cervical cancer are prevented in the UK?

Yes. By studying the statistics of cancer cases since the tests began it is estimated that up to 4,500 cases of cervical cancer are prevented each year in the UK. After screening was introduced, the number of cases of cervical cancer each year dropped by almost half.

How is the test done?

It is often called the neck of the womb. It is inside the vagina. If you were to put a clean finger into your vagina as far as it will go, you might be able to feel your cervix deep inside.

What is colposcopy?

Colposcopy is a more detailed examination of the neck of the womb (cervix). An instrument called a colposcope is used to magnify the cervix so it can be seen in more detail.

How long does it take to repeat HPV test?

If the HPV test result is unavailable or cytology is inadequate at any screening episode, a sample is repeated in no less than three months.

How common is cervical cancer?

Cancer of the cervix is now only the fourteenth most common cancer in the UK, whereas across the world it is the third or fourth most common cancer.

What age can you get a cervical smear?

Cervical Screening. Cervical screening tests (smear tests) are available to women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 years in the UK. The tests are done to prevent cervical cancer by finding abnormalities that can, with relatively simple treatments, be prevented from progressing to cervical cancer.

What are the risks of cervical cancer screening?

The risks of cervical cancer screening include the following:#N#Unnecessary follow-up tests may be done.#N#False-negative test results can occur.#N#False-positive test results can occur. 1 Unnecessary follow-up tests may be done. 2 False-negative test results can occur. 3 False-positive test results can occur.

How to collect HPV samples?

Samples for an HPV test may be collected by the patient using written instructions or in a clinic-based setting. The option for self-collection may improve access to cervical cancer screening, especially in communities with limited access to health care providers.

What is screening?

Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear, cancer may have begun to spread.

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the cervix. Screening for cervical cancer using the Pap test has decreased the number of new cases of cervical cancer and the number of deaths due to cervical cancer since 1950. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the major risk factor for cervical cancer.

How does cervical cancer develop?

Cervical cancer usually develops slowly over time. Before cancer appears in the cervix, the cells of the cervix go through changes known as dysplasia, in which cells that are not normal begin to appear in the cervical tissue.

What is the purpose of Pap test?

The Pap test is used to detect cancer and changes that may lead to cancer. The chance of death from cervical cancer increases with age. In recent years, deaths from cervical cancer have been slightly higher in black women younger than 50 years than in white women younger than 50 years.

How old do you have to be to get a Pap test?

Regular screening of women between the ages of 21 and 65 years with the Pap test decreases their chance of dying from cervical cancer.

What is a nurse trained in cervical screening?

a nurse trained in cervical screening. a gynaecologist or other specialist. an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner or Worker (in some states and territories). If you prefer, you can ask for a female health professional to do your test. Some people are eligible to collect their own sample.

How to check if you are overdue for a cervical screening?

Contact your GP or health care provider to check if you're due or overdue for a Cervical Screening Test . If you’re due, make a booking with them. If you don't have a preferred health care provider, use healthdirect’s service finder to help you find a provider. You can also check if you're due by calling the National Cancer Screening Register:

What time do you call for a cancer screening?

You can call between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, except national public holidays, from anywhere in Australia.

Is self collection safe?

Self-collection is a safe and effective option for women aged 30 or older, who are either more than 2 years overdue for screening, or have never screened. You need to talk to your doctor, nurse or health worker about this option.

Does Medicare cover cervical screening?

There is a Medicare rebate for cervical screening. If your chosen health care provider bulk bills there should be no cost to you, depending on when you had your last test. Some health care providers do charge a fee, so it’s best to check if there are any extra costs when making your appointment.

What is patient access?

Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.

Is patient access available in the UK?

Patient Access is now available to any UK patient. Join today and benefit from a faster, smarter way to manage your healthcare.

Why is it important to consider specific needs in relation to cervical screening?

It is important to consider specific needs in relation to cervical screening in order to maximise opportunities for women to attend. Primary care is well placed to know their practice population needs, and to identify reasons why women are not attending. These reasons may include: access problems.

What are the barriers to cervical screening?

lack of time, or inability to attend during usual clinic hours. disability (physical or mental) language barriers. cultural beliefs. Women with disabilities have the same right of access to cervical screening as other women. No disabled woman can be assumed to be sexually inactive.

What is a cervical leaflet?

The leaflet is intended to help them to make their own decisions about cervical screening, and to prepare them for the screening process. Language and cultural differences can affect understanding or the screening process.

What is a learning disability leaflet?

The leaflet is intended to help them to make their own decisions about cervical screening, and to prepare them for the screening process.

How long does it take to get a cervical screening letter?

The cervical screening programme sends a standard invitation letter and a reminder letter 18 weeks later to women who are eligible for cervical screening. Standard letters sent by the programme can include an additional paragraph of free text specific to a GP practice.

What is an audit of hysterectomy?

An audit of hysterectomised women at a practice level will identify women who no longer need to be invited for screening. Women who have undergone a sub-total hysterectomy will continue to be eligible for screening as the cervix is not removed.

Why is it important to have a variation of appointment times during the day and in the evening?

Providing a variation of appointment times during the day and in the evening will help women in choosing when they can attend for screening. Limiting access to screening appointments can impact on coverage.

What is the best way to screen for cervical cancer?

Screening methods of cervical cancer include cytology and HPV testing .[2] Cervical cancer is a significant women's health problem worldwide.  Most cases of cervical cancer occur in developing countries that have ineffective screening programs.

What is the Bethesda system of cervical cytology?

In the United States, screening results are reported using the Bethesda System of cervical cytology. Reports include specimen type, specimen adequacy, interpretation, adjunctive testing, and computer-assisted interpretation of cervical cytology.[6] The specimen type will define the method of collection used. Specimen adequacy will notify the clinician if the specimen was satisfactory for evaluation or if the specimen was rejected and not processed. Reports will also describe the presence or absence of the transformation zone and whether the clinician will need to repeat the specimen collection. If the specimen analysis was by an automated device, the device must be included in the report.

What is the most common cause of cervical cancer?

In the United States, cervical cancer diagnosis is usually in women who have never received screening or received inadequate screening.[1] . Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common risk factors for cervical cancer.

How long does it take for cervical cancer to clear?

The majority of young women have an effective immune response that will clear the infection in 8 months or decrease the viral loads to undetectable levels.[5] The incidence of cervical cancer before age 20 is low (0.1% cases), and data has not illustrated that screening is effective in this age group. [7]

What is NCBI bookshelf?

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Can you have a cervical hysterectomy with no history of cervical dysplasia?

For women who underwent total hysterectomy with no history of cervical dysplasia or cancer in the past 20 years, no screening is recommended .

Can a woman get a pap smear without HPV?

In addition, for women aged 21-29 years, recommendations include cytology without HPV testing. Human papilloma virus is most commonly diagnosed in teenagers and young females in their twenties. Therefore, pap smears in this age group will cause abnormal findings.

What is the healthcare provider portal?

The Healthcare Provider Portal provides a self-service alternative for health professionals to access and submit bowel and cervical screening data electronically in the National Cancer Screening Register.

What is integrated clinical information system?

Healthcare providers using integrated clinical information systems are able to directly access patient screening data from within the software interface to manage patient participation in the NCSP and NBCSP. Integrated software users can:

What is clinical information system integration?

The introduction of clinical information system integration allows healthcare providers to access and report clinical data for the NCSP and NBCSP seamlessly from existing clinical information systems.

What is a Medicare provider number?

a Medicare provider number (MPN), a delegate of a healthcare provider with a MPN (for nurses or practice/lab staff who do not have access to a MPN), or. a Register Identifier Number (for cervical screening test providers who do not have access to a MPN).

Can you add videos to your watch history?

Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.

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