Patient Access

patient access handsworth wood medical centre

by Flavie McDermott Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

GP Profile

Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. address, phone number, fax number, website, email etc. details are mentioned as below. Patients can call on the below given phone number for appointments.

Opening times

Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. opening timing for reception and surgery are as mentioned below for complete week. Patients can book their appointments accordingly.

Services & Clinics

Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. have following clinics at their center and they provide below mentioned services to the patients.


Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. has following Accessibility and Parking facilities available which can be availed by incoming patients.


There are 36 medical staff working at Handsworth Wood Med.ctr.. Following are the staff details who work at Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. with their name, job tittle and GMC Number.


Some measuring parameters of Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. are taken and their fetched values are as mentioned below.

Registered Patients

Handsworth Wood Med.ctr. GP has 21277 registered patients out of this it has 9604 female registered patients and 11673 male registered patients.

Handsworth Wood Medical Centre

Address: 110-112 Church Lane, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands, B20 2ES

PALS (Patient advice and liaison service)

You can talk to PALS who provide confidential advice and support to patients, families and their carers, and can provide information on the NHS and health related matters.

What is a GP consultation?

It is a set of online tools for you to check which service is right for your symptoms, get immediate self-help advice, find out what other services can help you or send an online consultation to your GP practice . It may help manage certain conditions, without the need to attend the surgery in person.

Why do doctors need to have medical records?

This is because the practice needs to have your medical records in order to make a safe decision about your treatment.

Can a registered nurse give consent to a patient?

Yes, but only if you are the registered carer for that patient and the practice has their written consent on their medical records.

Does this change my existing GP service?

Yes. You can still make an appointment in the usual way and come in to see your GP if you wish.

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