Patient Access

patient access developer

by Mr. Mac Huel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why is it so hard to access the patient access API?

This makes it harder for developers to access and test the API as they must present in the HEADER of the HTTP GET request the JWT. Prior to performing any development to access the Patient Access API the developer needs several things to help set up the project

What is NextGen patient access API for NextGen enterprise EHR?

NextGen Patient Access API for NextGen ® Enterprise EHR The FHIR-based Patient Access API is for developers creating Apps intended to empower patients with access to their own personal health data in a NextGen Enterprise practice via API. Patient Access API Documentation

Is the patient access API protected by OAuth?

The Patient Access API is required to be protected by the OpenID Connect flow of the OAuth 2.0 specification. This makes it harder for developers to access and test the API as they must present in the HEADER of the HTTP GET request the JWT.

What is in partnership with patient access?

In partnership with Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.


What is Patient Access API?

The Patient Access API is used to build applications that enable HCSC customers to easily access their claims and encounter information, including cost, as well as a defined sub-set of their clinical information. This is a RESTful API that conforms to the FHIR standard and provides access to HCSC customer data.

What is NextGen API?

The NextGen® API partner program extends the NextGen® Enterprise platform to clients, partners, and the development community. The goal is to provide access to a platform of 90,000 plus providers to enable innovative capabilities that advance the quadruple aim.

Why is patient access important?

Patient Access often sets the tone for the patient's perception of the organization and their overall care journey. Consumers of health care are looking for the same conveniences, access to information and customer service that they are used to from other industries, such as retail and travel.

What is provider directory API?

The Provider Directory API accesses the HCSC FHIR server portion of the Provider and Pharmacy Directories. Utilizing only read-only RESTful GET API calls (PUT and POST are not supported), you can create an application to access information about providers and pharmacies.

What is NextGen EHR?

NextGen Healthcare offers NextGen Office—a cloud-based EHR – specifically designed for private practices. NextGen Office is a fully integrated practice management solution that includes specialty-specific content, a claims clearinghouse, and an easy-to-use patient portal.

What is a Plug and Play API?

A 'plug-and-play' opening banking API solution has been launched by Pelican, a global payments and compliance systems provider for banks and corporates. The tool brings application programming interface (API) management and monetisation capabilities to its previously existing 'Pelican Platform'.

What is patient access process?

Patient Access typically involves scheduling, registration, financial clearance, and patient collection.

What are the 4 barriers to accessing health services?

The study shows that lack of transport, availability of services, inadequate drugs or equipment, and costs, are the four major barriers for access.

What is patient access experience?

Patient access representatives serve an essential role at health-care facilities as the first point of contact when a patient calls or walks into the office. They are usually responsible for answering the phone, scheduling appointments, billing, and submitting insurance claims.

How can you improve patient access to care?

Five Steps to Improving Patient Access to Healthcare#1: Create a Patient Access Task Force. ... #2: Assess Barriers to Patient Access. ... #3: Turn Access Barriers into Opportunities. ... #4: Implement an Improved Patient Access Plan. ... #5: Scale and Sustain Better Patient Access.

Why is patient access a critical point in the revenue cycle process?

Through patient access, revenue cycle teams can also clear patients financially for their scheduled services by verifying information and discussing and collecting upfront patient financial responsibility, such as copayments.

How do you promote access to healthcare?

5 ways to improve access to health careEnsure adequate funding of the Children's Health Insurance Program and retain Medicaid expansion and implement expansion in more states. ... Stabilize individual insurance marketplaces and retain ACA market reforms. ... Address physician shortages.More items...

Why is access to healthcare an issue?

First, some people cannot access healthcare because of its cost and their income. Second, some people cannot access it because they are uninsured. Finally, some people cannot access it because they do not have quality care in their geographic area. How far spread is this problem?

What is patient access?

Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.

Is patient access available in the UK?

Patient Access is now available to any UK patient. Join today and benefit from a faster, smarter way to manage your healthcare.

What is the Patient Access API?

The Patient Access API is required to be protected by the OpenID Connect flow of the OAuth 2.0 specification. This makes it harder for developers to access and test the API as they must present in the HEADER of the HTTP GET request the JWT.

What is sandbox access?

Sandbox access is provided initially upon request and allows a developer to get started quickly. Sandbox access includes a user account with a specific set of data that can be validated against and provides complete functionality.


The Patient Access is a secure and public-facing API to make patient membership, coverages, claims, and clinical information available. This API requires authentication for any user.

Third party application developer registration

To gain access to the API developer portal, register third party applications and request third party application client credentials, developers should first create an API Developer Portal account using our registration page.

What is CMS interoperability?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed policy changes in the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access proposed rule supporting its MyHealthEData initiative to improve patient access and advance electronic data exchange and care coordination throughout the healthcare system.

What is PPL API?

The PPL API provides a bulk cost data endpoint to the American Medical Association (AMA) procedure descriptions and cost data associated with a subset of the CPT/HCPCS codes for CMS application development partners.

How to receive a new access token?

To receive a new access token, POST a request to the above token endpoint with the grant_type=refresh_token and refresh_token= will return a token response with a new access token. A new refresh token will not be issued.

How long does an access token last?

The access token will be short-lived, typically 5 minutes or less.

What is a registered application?

A registered application is given a client ID and a client secret. The secret should only be used if it can be kept confidential, such as communication between your server and the UnitedHealthcare interoperability APIs. For insecure implementations, such as mobile apps, PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) is available.

What is scope in access token?

Access tokens have scopes, which define permissions and the resources that the token can access. Scopes are primarily utilized to determine the type of data an application is requesting. Scopes must be explicitly declared; wildcards are not supported. In the current release the following scopes are available for the following types of requests:

What is custom_uri protocol?

The custom_uri protocol is used by mobile applications to handle communications directly with your application on a mobile device.

Why do you need to explain data in an application?

If information limited by a scope is required for your application to properly function and it is not possible to get the information in another endpoint, we recommend providing an explanation about why certain data is needed in your user flow. For example, if you use demographic information to help members autofill tedious data-entry, you might want to explain that benefit before they reach the authorization screen. It is essential, however, that you give members the full picture. If they do share data with your application, they should know how long you keep it and if it is used for any other purposes.

What is PKCE extension?

The PKCE extension provides a technique for public clients to mitigate the threat of a “man-in-the-middle” attack. This involves creating a “secret” that is used when exchanging the authorization code to obtain an access token.



  • The Patient Access API is required to be protected by the OpenID Connect flow of the OAuth 2.0 specification. This makes it harder for developers to access and test the API as they must present in the HEADER of the HTTP GET request the JWT. Prior to performing any development to access the Patient Access API the developer needs several things to he...
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Quick Start Guide

  1. Request sandbox access
  2. After getting your sandbox account follow this quick start guide
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Openid Connect Configuration Parameters

  • The interoperability rules for the patient access API require that your application use an OAuth2.0 flow called OpendID Connect (OIDC).
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  1. AllergyIntolerance
  2. Coverage
  3. DiagnosticReport
  4. ExplanationOfBenefits
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Getting Additional Help

  • Please respond to the email that was used to send your credentials and application id for sandbox access.
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