Patient Access

patient access department goals

by Mr. Morris Satterfield Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

To achieve these types of goals, patient access leaders should do the following:

  • Use the previous year’s data to determine if metrics need to be changed for most staff members to meet the criteria.
  • Keep goals focused on patient and family satisfaction, finances, and compliance.
  • Aim For A Certain Percentage Of Fewer Registration Errors Each Year.

Today's Patient Access expert is tasked with capturing patient information, as well as educating and supporting a range of individuals—patients, hospital personnel, and providers—helping to ensure comprehensive, quality healthcare service delivery and patient satisfaction.

Full Answer

What are performance appraisal goals for Patient Access employees?

Performance appraisal goals for patient access employees typically lead to assessments of these staff members according to their billing and data collecting proficiencies, as well as the quality of their patient contact.

What are the duties of a patient access employee?

Patient access employees include health care workers who provide direct patient care in hospitals and nursing homes. They also work in clinics, doctors' offices and long-term care facilities. These employees are depended on to be compassionate and understanding in a manner that meets standards of care in the health care profession.

What are the performance standards for Patient Access employees?

Performance standards for patient access employees cover clinical and position-specific expertise. Workers responsible for direct patient care must have clinical expertise. This includes performing procedures correctly without injuring the patient and administering the proper dose of medication for a patient's condition.

What are the challenges of Patient Access Operations?

Things like coding complexity, miscommunication, and medical billing errors complicate the functioning of the revenue cycle. Here is a summary of various revenue cycle steps that generally occur during patient access operations and the basic challenges that often present themselves along the reimbursement way.


What are the 3 goals of a healthcare system?

The Triple Aims are: (1) improving the quality of the care provided, (2) improving patient outcomes, and (3) reducing the cost of care [3].

Why is patient access so important?

Patient Access often sets the tone for the patient's perception of the organization and their overall care journey. Consumers of health care are looking for the same conveniences, access to information and customer service that they are used to from other industries, such as retail and travel.

What are the goals of patient care?

Patient Care Goals The overall goal of the patient care system is to model ethical and responsible professional behavior while providing dental treatment to a diverse patient population which meets the standard of care.

How can patient access be improved?

Five Steps to Improving Patient Access to Healthcare#1: Create a Patient Access Task Force. ... #2: Assess Barriers to Patient Access. ... #3: Turn Access Barriers into Opportunities. ... #4: Implement an Improved Patient Access Plan. ... #5: Scale and Sustain Better Patient Access.

What are the 4 barriers to accessing health services?

The study shows that lack of transport, availability of services, inadequate drugs or equipment, and costs, are the four major barriers for access.

Why is access important in healthcare?

Health Impact of Access to Health Services Detect and treat illnesses or other health conditions. Increase quality of life. Reduce the likelihood of premature (early) death. Increase life expectancy.

What are the 5 smart goals?

The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

What are smart goals in healthcare?

A SMART objective is one that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

What are goals of health team?

The primary goal of a healthcare team is to provide quality patient care, however we must recognize what feeds into the goals that determine a team actions.

How can you improve accessibility of patient information particularly between providers?

4 Best Practices for Improving Patient-Provider CommunicationBe clear about using the patient portal.Open lines of communication using health IT.Include the patient in care coordination.Be empathetic toward the patient.

What factors influence patient engagement?

The factors affecting patient engagement within your organisation will largely depend on context, but here are 8 of the most common.Language. This is meant in two senses. ... Going Mobile. ... Accessibility to Care. ... Patient Motivation. ... Digital Media. ... Wearable Tech. ... Online Portals. ... Patient Involvement.

What do you understand by patient access?

We define Patient Access broadly as the organizational resources, processes and assets that enable patients to get high quality care and information in a timely and convenient manner. In our experience, improving patient access can drive significant benefits for patients, physicians and systems.

Why is it important for patients to have easy access to their healthcare data?

“Individuals with access to their health information are better able to monitor chronic conditions, adhere to treatment plans, find and fix errors, and directly contribute their information to research.” Dig Deeper: Reviewing Patient Access to Health Data Under HIPAA Privacy Rule.

What does patient access mean to you?

At its most basic, “patient access” is defined quite literally. It refers to the availability of healthcare, the ability of consumers to access care and treatment. Patient access is an integral part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Why is patient access a critical point in the revenue cycle process?

Through patient access, revenue cycle teams can also clear patients financially for their scheduled services by verifying information and discussing and collecting upfront patient financial responsibility, such as copayments.

What is patient access process?

Patient Access typically involves scheduling, registration, financial clearance, and patient collection.

What is the purpose of the patient access department?

Collection of Insurance Information: The patient access department provides the input of the patients’ insurance or payment information. They scan and store multiple insurance card images and maintain a complete history of patient’s past, present and future insurances. The patient’s financial responsibility is determined by gathering data about insurance coverage, additional insurance, and their maximum allowable visits.

How to strengthen patient access?

Generally, to strengthen the patient access, embracing technology within the revenue cycle is key. The new age of Patient Access requires better alignment to deal with key issues facing organizations and the community. The goal should be to holistically integrate Patient Access within the revenue cycle for optimal performance, focusing efforts around people, process and technology to better address client needs. Achieving the highest results requires strategies and expertise that can address the patient as an individual consumer, keeping them at the center of the process.

What is iPatientCare?

iPatientCare is a leading healthcare technology company providing Cloud-based Unified System integrating EHR, PMS and RCM technology enhancing patient care through care management/coordination/analytics, and reducing costs of care delivery At iPatientCare, we help clients address today’s evolving Patient Access needs. As a single source, we can create standardization and accountability across all of your revenue cycle operations.

What is the role of patient access in the revenue cycle?

The Patient Access as a core function of the Revenue Cycle starts with registration, scheduling and all of its support processes to patients, providers, and payers throughout the patient’s healthcare experience. Its main function is to supply information which results in building the foundation for medical records, billing & collections.

What is a point of service collection?

Point of Service Collections: Here the patient access personnel collect co-pays and deductibles at the time of service. Services that require co-pay, and the predetermined amount payable for each service, is specified to the patients. Many patients appreciate knowing in advance of service what their portion of the bill will be. This gives them time to prepare or to make arrangements for the payment.

What is a patient self check in kiosk?

Patient Self Check-in Kiosk: Patient kiosk is tabloid and a phone-based software application that assists patients to do self check-in and also edit their basic demographic details. Patient kiosks can be considered as the new step taken to streamline and simplify the patient registration procedure. This Patient Self Check-in Kiosk frees the front desk from manual data entry tasks and allows them to utilize their time productively.

What is the purpose of registration?

Registration: Registration is the first interface that the patient has with the health facility. In addition to validating demographic and insurance information other mandated fields are captured during patient registration. This information serves as the foundation of the patient’s medical record. The data collected is utilized by multiple members across the healthcare team, to include Patient Accounts, Patient Information, Clinicians and Health Information Management.

Why do we collect and analyze data on patients who fail to meet appointments?

Collect and analyze data on patients who fail to meet appointments so that changes could be made based on the patterns shown.

Why is improving the patient financial experience required a new approach to financial services and counseling?

Leadership recognized that improving the patient financial experience required a new approach to financial services and counseling because each patient’s circumstances are unique.

What is a meeting with clinical and financial staff?

Meetings were held with both clinical and financial staff to design optimized workflows that allow patients to be financially cleared prior to hospital arrival. Onsite workshops focused on best practices for consolidating scheduling in preregistration authorization and combining admitting and financial counseling functions under one independent business owner for scheduled outpatient admissions.

How many patients depend on the health system each year?

With 270,000 patients depending on the health system for care each year, the impacts of disjointed patient access and financial services processes for outpatient visits were substantial:

What is daily activity report?

A daily activity report showing all transactions for that day.

What is the role of registrar in a department?

Ensures that registrars follow common policies and procedures for scheduling, authorization of services, and financial clearance across departments.

What percentage of appointments do not have wait times?

Seventy percent of scheduled appointments do not experience wait times.

Specific Skills

Performance standards for patient access employees cover clinical and position-specific expertise. Workers responsible for direct patient care must have clinical expertise. This includes performing procedures correctly without injuring the patient and administering the proper dose of medication for a patient's condition.

Basic Skills

Basic work skills, or core competencies, focus on communication, time management, organization and team leadership. Appraisals measure how well patient access employees interact with patients, prioritize care appropriately and demonstrate the ability to manage several patients at a time.

Professional Traits

Professional traits are the most subjective of all the performance appraisal goals. These include compassion, patience, kindness and a genuine level of commitment to providing the best possible health care. Patient access employees should also show discretion and follow confidentiality rules concerning treatment and medical records.


Employers conduct performance appraisals to determine whether an employee should be promoted, receive a raise, be put on a performance improvement plan or keep his job. For example, a registered nurse who receives high ratings on his performance appraisal might be promoted from staff nurse to charge nurse to supervise others on his shift.

How do healthcare executives monitor patient wait times?

Health care executives closely monitor patient wait times, Kelley and White report. Wait times include how long it takes for medical personnel to call a patient to schedule a follow-up visit, as well as the amount of time a patient spends checking in with a patient access employee upon arrival at a medical office. Another time factor doctors measure is the time that elapses from the moment a customer arrives for a clinical procedure until the start of the appointment. All of these wait times represent opportunities to improve the overall patient experience and often are performance objectives for employees with patient access.

What is patient satisfaction score?

Patient satisfaction scores are valuable indicators for health care professionals. The Everett Clinic outside Seattle, Washington watched its overall scores soar by 20 percent after shifting from a physician-focused culture to a patient-centered environment, according to the American Medical Group Association. As part of this renewed commitment to patients, new employees attend advanced communication training to promote positive interactions with patients and among staff members. All physicians and support staff members — along with senior executives and the board of directors — are accountable for customer service goals and were targeted to show another 10 percent jump in customer satisfaction levels, the AMGA reported. This emphasis on patient ratings translates into individual performance goals through Everett Clinic's Patient Access, Safety and Satisfaction program.

Why do administrators use registration metrics?

Administrators use registration metrics to trend their revenue cycles and implement steps to improve their rates of liability collections. For instance, a small hospital that performs elective procedures usually attempts to collect payments or establish payment schedules in advance of the surgeries.

Why is performance appraisal important in health care?

In addition, when patient data are recorded incorrectly, a medical office's financial solvency suffers because of delayed payments. Performance appraisal goals for patient access employees typically lead to assessments of these staff members according to their billing and data collecting proficiencies, as well as the quality of their patient contact.

What can you use the findings of a patient survey to address?

You can use the findings to make updates to processes, increase or refine patient communications, and engage your team for ideas to help address any patient concerns.

What is a patient survey?

Patient surveys with software like DASHconnect can be a great way to understand more about your patients and their experience, feedback, and any potential opportunities to improve. Monitor the number of responses that you receive and see if you can draw any insights by segmenting that data. Once you compile the information, you’ll likely find recurring issues or trends you can have your practice address.

What to do if you don't have time to take action on data?

If you don’t think you’ll have time or bandwidth to take action on the data, remove it from your survey or appointment-cancellation protocol.

Is a third appointment a good indicator of availability?

Often related to your wait list, your third next available appointment is a good indicator of appointment availability and the goal is to get it as close to zero as possible. Learn more about it and how TNAA impacts patient access here.

What is patient access?

All staff with patient access responsibilities must perform effectively to ensure the success of the revenue cycle in its entirety. With the shift toward high-deductible health plans and the growth in newly insured individuals, Patient Access is faced with communicating and collecting increasingly larger amounts for which patients are financially responsible. In addition to patient communications, these employees must fully understand insurance plans, coordination of benefits, medical necessity and ABNS, and the importance of the demographic and insurance information they collect and record. Our training provides Patient Access employees with the necessary training to ensure patients understand their financial obligations and payment options. This information, when communicated properly, increases payment collection and reduces days of AR.

Why should patient access be measured?

To ensure a high level of productivity and accuracy, Patient Access operations should be measured on KPIs to monitor quality, process, financial, and customer service. Healthcare organizations throughout the medical industry have established guidelines on appropriate Patient Access KPIs with examples, including: 1.

What is the first key to patient access?

The first key is to create an excellent patient experience, a task much easier said than done. The Patient Access team sets the tone for creating the overall patient experience. They promote that first impression for the patient and their family. Getting everything right the first time, will, without question, enhance that patient’s experience.

What is the second key area of patient access?

The second key area is an in depth knowledge of patient management software tools.

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