Patient Access

cant access patient access is it down

by Luz Kemmer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is patient access and why is it down?

The Patient Access website and app allow patients to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and view their medical record. However, when the site went down on 30 May, users were left unable to log in. One Twitter user tweeted Health and Social Care Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, directly.

What happens when a patient cannot access her clinician?

When a patient cannot access her clinician, it is impossible to receive medical care, build relationships with her providers, and achieve overall patient wellness. Despite this importance, patient care access is not a reality for many patients across the country.

What happens if I Forgot my Patient Access Password?

When you sign in to Patient Access from a new device or browser. Every 60 days after first logging in to Patient Access. This does not reset every time you log in. You can find out more about creating a Memorable Word by using this link. If you enter an incorrect password 8 times, your account will automatically be locked for 1 hour.

How do I get help with using patient access?

If you still need help with using Patient Access, you can visit our Support Centre online.


What happens if a patient does not have a nominated pharmacy?

If a patient does not currently have a nominated pharmacy then they will be prompted with the ‘Nominate a pharmacy’ overlay screen when they request repeat medication through the new service. Selecting Not nowwill allow patients to continue to request medication without making a nomination.

Can a practice disable online access?

Some practices may have chosen to disable online access while some changes are made to Patient Access for practices who dispense.

Can I download apps on Android without cellular?

Android devices without cellular capability (e.g. tablets that are Wifi only) are unable to download the app.

Why is access to convenient care important?

Aside from care quality, access to convenient care is one of the top drivers for patient care site decisions. Patients want to be able to access their healthcare when they want and need it.

How much is primary care access in 2008?

Although primary care clinician access is up 11 percent from 2008, doctors are still bracing to get hit hard by the growing national clinician shortage issue. Healthcare professionals are calling for policy changes that help funnel more providers to rural areas.

Why do rural hospitals use telemedicine?

Many smaller facilities in rural areas will also use telemedicine to connect with experts in more urban areas, keeping patients from having to travel great distances to receive intensive or specialized care. Patients living in rural areas must also contend with clinician shortages.

Can clinics offer patient education?

Clinician offices and hospitals can display this information in their own facilities and offer patient education materials. However, access education should also be a part of different care facilities’ marketing plans. An urgent care center should make it widely-known which types of ailments they are best suited for treating.

Do patients know where to receive care?

A February 2017 survey from CityMD showed that patients largely don’t know where they should receive care for various different symptoms. When presented with different scenarios, patients struggled to regularly identify the proper care site for certain health needs.

Is patient access a reality?

Despite this importance, patient care access is not a reality for many patients across the country. Between appointment availability issues and troubles getting a ride to the clinician office, patient care access has many associated challenges.

Why is my EHR outage?

EHR outages can stem from an internal hardware problem or an external source, especially if the system is hosted in the cloud. Last year, Cerner’s remote hosting service crashed for several hours, affecting hospitals and practices across the country.

What to do when EHR system is down?

While it may take time for a company to diagnose the problem, providers should expect a phone call when the system is down for more than an hour unexpectedly. If a hosting company does not contact you, call the helpdesk or your vendor’s representative to try to get some answers and figure out if the problem is widespread or localized. Many EHR vendors will provide their clients with a detailed disaster plan during implementation. Be sure to review the procedures and be familiar with the steps your practice needs to take in order to recover.

What happens when an EHR is back online?

When the EHR is back online and has been confirmed to be stable, a staff member will need to enter all clinical information into the proper charts by hand. This can be time-consuming, so providers should designate a data entry person and plan for other staff members to cover that person’s daily duties if necessary.

Can lab orders be faxed?

Pharmacy orders and lab tests may need to be called in, faxed, or hand delivered, which can take extra time for those used to CPOE and e-prescribing. Practices may want to decide which tests can be delayed until EHR functionality has been restored.

Can administrative staff print out appointments in advance?

Administrative staff should have easy access to a set of pre-approved paper forms to use in the event of EHR downtime. Intake staff might not have the opportunity to print out daily appointment schedules in advance if the outage is unplanned, in which case a paper sign-in form may be used to keep track of which patients arrive at what time. Blank encounter forms and charge slips should be available, and new patients should be assigned a temporary medical record number until an official electronic record can be created.

The WORST customer service. Glitchy site

Log in isn't recognising my memorable word. I tried resetting it, still not working. Searched Google; apparently an issue for several users. Messaged Customer Support, who simply told me how to reset memorable word. Uh, yes, already said I`be done that. Back and forth several messages - me trying to get across that there's a glitch in the website.

Is My Health-online what it should be?

My Health-online is regrettably a poorly constructed software programme. Its main failing is only one way communication, upwards, that appears to be reliant upon interpretation at GP staff levels, where errors occur. There also appears to be no communication between either GP practice or other participating professionals such as pharmacies. The experienced outcome is that MHOL forwards the requests to the GP's nominated practice, for approval.

So not user friendly

So not user friendly : Was very complicated to log in. Link key was at the bottom of text message. How on earth would an older person manage who's not tech savy. And with my GP practice you still have to phone them as you can't book appointment through this site. So what is the point of it ?

Frankly it doesn't work!

Frankly it doesn't work! Every time I try to logon it tells me that I'm locked out, Error code 1001, and to refresh browser etc. So, I just use 'Forgotten my password' tab and go through all the rigmarole of doing that to request repeat prescriptions, but the next time I login with m y new password it chucks me out again.

Just terrible, avoid like the plague

Just terrible. It worked fine for a bit until it wouldn't let me sign in with the correct password. My surgery deleted the account and opened a new one and then the trouble began. Apparently I can't link up to my gp surgery because I'm already linked up and I can't use the service at all because I'm not linked up to my gp surgery.... Go figure.


Garbage. The fact I actually had to watch the tutorial was a bad sign. It sounds like they got Sarah Jarvis to voice it, (maybe they should have spent the money on decent programmers) however the site seems to have changed rendering said tutorial useless.

Utter rubbish

Utter rubbish. Just tried to log in and was told that the letters of my memorable word were incorrect. Checked it against the 'hint', even though I knew I had not made any mistake. The letters I used were correct. Cannot log in, now locked out. Last time this happened I had to go to the GP surgery with my passport to be re-registered.

What is patient access?

Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.

Is patient access available in the UK?

Patient Access is now available to any UK patient. Join today and benefit from a faster, smarter way to manage your healthcare.

How many people don't have internet access on Medicare?

More than 41% of Medicare patients lack access to a desktop or laptop computer with a high-speed internet connection at home, almost 41% don’t have a smartphone with a wireless data plan, and more than 26% didn’t have access to either, according to the research from University of Pittsburgh and Harvard Medical School researchers.

Who is less likely to have digital access?

They found that those less likely to have digital access were 85 or older, widowed, Black or Hispanic, enrolled in Medicaid, had a disability, or had a high school education or less.

Why is telehealth important for older adults?

Older adults are more likely to have chronic conditions, disabilities and severe complications from COVID-19, making equitable access to telehealth services essential. But many Medicare patients are unable to connect to the necessary technology or are unready to use it, according to two research letters published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

How many older adults are unready for telehealth?

In the other letter, researchers from the geriatrics division at the University of California, San Francisco, found that up to 20% of older adults may be “unready” for telehealth visits.

Who is more likely to be unreadiness?

Indeed, unreadiness was more common in patients who were older, unmarried, men, Black or Hispanic, lived in rural areas, and who had less education, lower income and worse self-reported health.


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