Patient Access

can you have more than 1 nominated pharmacy patient access

by Elyse Mitchell II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

You may not be able to view or change your nominated pharmacy if: your prescription is dispensed by your GP surgery (your GP surgery gives you your medicines) you have more than one nominated pharmacy, for example, if you get your prescription items from two different medicine or medical equipment providers.

How will my prescriptions be sent to my nominated pharmacy?

The patient’s prescriptions will then be sent via EPS to their nominated pharmacy, unless they request otherwise. Nominations should only be changed or removed at the request of the patient. A patient can choose to change their nomination at any time.

What does it mean to nominate a pharmacy?

Nominating a pharmacy. To use the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), patients must have nominated a chosen pharmacy. Nomination must be a patient's choice and cannot be altered without their consent. Patients must choose a pharmacy for their electronic prescription to be sent to. This is called nomination.

What is a nomination for an electronic prescription?

Patients must choose a pharmacy for their electronic prescription to be sent to. This is called nomination. Once a patient has nominated their chosen pharmacy, this preference will be stored (on the NHS Spine) unless the patient decides to change their nomination.

How can GP practices and pharmacies support patients with nomination?

GP practices and pharmacies or dispensers can talk to a patient about nomination and record their choice. All staff involved in prescribing or dispensing processes (including delivery drivers) should know about EPS and should be able to explain nomination to patients.


What does nominated pharmacy mean?

Your pharmacy of choice is referred to as your nominated pharmacy. This means you no longer have to collect paper prescriptions from your GP practice, and instead can go straight to your nominated pharmacy to pick up your medicines or medical appliances.

How do I set up Pharmacy2U as nominated pharmacy?

You can ask your GP or pharmacy to add your nomination for you. You do not need a computer to use EPS. To nominate Pharmacy2U all you need to do is click here or call our customer service team on 0113 265 0222.

Can I collect my prescription from any pharmacy UK?

When you are issued a prescription, you will be given a paper copy that you can take to any pharmacy or other dispenser in England.

Can I get my prescription sent to a different pharmacy?

Talk to your pharmacist to ensure they will accept the transfer of your prescription, as pharmacists can legally refuse to make the transfer. Also, certain medications do not allow you to transfer to a different pharmacy including Adderall, Concerta, Oxycontin, Percocet, and Vicodin.

Can I pick my prescription up from any boots?

Pick up is the quickest way to get the medicine you order. You can pick up the medicines we prescribe in any Boots pharmacy, other than stores in Jersey and Guernsey. Our clinical team aims to review all orders within 24 hours.

How is Pharmacy2U funded?

Pharmacy2U, the UK's largest NHS online pharmacy, has secured a further £40 million investment to support the rapid growth of its online NHS repeat prescription service. This financing is led by G Square, a London-based private equity firm with an investment strategy dedicated to healthcare in Europe.

Can doctors see if you picked up your prescription?

The PDMP shows which doctors prescribe what and where patients pick up the medication. The database puts an alert under a patient's profile if they've been prescribed too much or are taking a dangerous combination of drugs.

Does GP know if prescription collected UK?

Your doctor can contact the pharmacy to confirm that the prescription was picked up. The same applies to online prescriptions — doctors will receive a notification indicating whether or not the prescription has been picked up.

Can my friend pick up my prescription?

Answer: Yes. A pharmacist may use professional judgment and experience with common practice to make reasonable inferences of the patient's best interest in allowing a person, other that the patient, to pick up a prescription.

Why are private prescriptions cheaper than NHS?

There are several reasons why someone may choose to get a private prescription, instead of an NHS prescription. These reasons may include: convenience, cost of travel to the pharmacy, saving money of medication and having more choice over the treatments available.

Can you get two different prescriptions for the same medicine filled?

Can you fill two of the same prescriptions? When a doctor writes a prescription, it is for single use only. In other words, you typically cannot get two of the same prescriptions at one time. Insurance will not pay for the same prescription to be filled twice in the same period.

How many months medication can a doctor prescribe 2021?

A standard prescription is valid for 6 months from the date on the prescription, unless the medicine prescribed contains a controlled medicine. The date on the prescription can be: the date it was signed by the health professional who issued it, or.

How do I find my nominated pharmacy?

Log in. Go to Prescriptions. If you already have a nominated pharmacy, you'll see their name under Your nominated pharmacy. If not, you'll see the message "Choose a pharmacy for your prescriptions to be sent to".

How do you login to Pharmacy2U?

Logging In. From the Pharmacy2U homepage, simply click the 'log in' button in the top right hand corner of the page. For NHS repeat prescriptions or private prescriptions select the NHS repeat prescriptions account at the top of the page.

How do I change where my prescriptions go?

Call or visit the new pharmacy to request an Rx transfer. Give the new pharmacy the names of all the medications you want to transfer, along with dosage and Rx numbers. Provide your current pharmacy's contact information. The new pharmacy will contact your old pharmacy and take care of most of the process.

What is a smart pharmacy?

What is Smart Pharmacy? Smart Pharmacy is new functionality that will help patients and pharmacies to engage, connect and communicate more efficiently.

Who can talk to a patient about nomination and record their choice?

GP practices and pharmacies or dispensers can talk to a patient about nomination and record their choice.

Where is a patient's nomination recorded?

The patient's nomination should be recorded promptly in the Pharmacy Medicine Record (PMR) system or prescribing system, and it is then updated on the NHS Spine.

What happens if a prescriber changes the nomination back?

before the intended pharmacy has downloaded the prescription - then that pharmacy will not receive the prescription in their routine download. It is much better to use a one-off nomination where possible, rather than making "temporary" nomination switches.

What is EPS nomination?

About EPS nomination. Patients can choose a pharmacy for their electronic prescriptions to be sent to. This is called a nomination. Some patients use a Dispensing Appliance Contractor (DAC) for some of their items, so can also set a DAC nomination.

How long does a dispenser preference stay on the NHS spine?

Once a patient has nominated a dispenser , this preference will be stored (on the NHS Spine) until the patient chooses to change or remove their nomination.

Can a patient nominate a dispenser?

With the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), patients can choose to nominate a pharmacy or another dispenser to receive their electronic prescriptions. Nomination must be the patient's choice and cannot be altered without their consent.

Can FP10 be issued as a Phase 4?

During a face to face consultation it may be preferable to issue the prescription as a Phase 4 ( non-nominated) or paper FP10 prescription which the patient can take to the pharmacy of their choice.

How to link a patient to a practice?

Click on your name in the top right-hand corner, then select Account. Scroll down to the Link a practice or user section. Select either: Link to my practice (to link to your practice). Link another patient to your account (to act on behalf of another patient as a proxy). Locate your new practice (or the patient's practice for a proxy user) ...

Can you link a proxy to a patient?

You would use this same process if you have been registered as a proxy user for a patient or relative, and already use Patient Access. This process will allow you to link your account to the patient.

Can you delete your patient account at a new practice?

You are now linked to your new practice (or the patient you are caring for) and you'll have access to all enabled services. Alternatively, for patients who have moved practices, Patient Access can send you a delete account email and you can delete your account and re-register from scratch at your new practice.

How far in advance do you have to order a repeat prescription?

Most pharmacies ask people to order their repeat prescription at least two days in advance because there are various checks your prescription will have to go through in order for your medication to be dispensed safely.

How many people go to A&E to get medicine?

According to one survey, a shocking 1 in 10 people visit A&E to get medicine if they run out. But the vast majority of these visits are totally unnecessary. Unless you've left your tablets on the bus, you've probably not run out by accident. And is running out of medication usually an emergency?

How many prescriptions do GPs sign off a year?

GPs in England alone issue over a billion prescriptions a year. There are about 34,000 of us, which means every GP is signing off almost 30,000 prescriptions a year each. They're dispensed by 11,700 pharmacies - so every pharmacy dispenses about 85,000 prescriptions a year.

What to do if you're short of medication?

What to do if you're caught short. If you find yourself short of medication and need it in a hurry, a UK community pharmacist can often issue an emergency prescription. Obviously, they'll need to carry out some safeguard checks. In most cases, they'll need to see you face to face and find out why you need the medicine urgently.

How to prevent medication emergencies?

Stay on top of your prescriptions. The easiest way to prevent medication emergencies is to stay on top of your prescriptions and know what you’ll need and when. When your GP or other healthcare professional prescribes your medication, they will explain how much you need to take and when. There will also be instructions or a label on ...

What to do if you are struggling to take your medication?

If you're struggling to take your medication when you're supposed to, consider asking your GP or pharmacist for advice. They may be able to simplify your medication routines, conduct a medicine use review or give you some tips to make it easier to adhere to your treatment.

How to keep medications safe?

Keep your medications in a safe place and make sure you know where they are at all times, especially if you are taking them out and about with you or you have children who may be able to access them unless you keep them secure.

The WORST customer service. Glitchy site

Log in isn't recognising my memorable word. I tried resetting it, still not working. Searched Google; apparently an issue for several users. Messaged Customer Support, who simply told me how to reset memorable word. Uh, yes, already said I`be done that. Back and forth several messages - me trying to get across that there's a glitch in the website.

Is My Health-online what it should be?

My Health-online is regrettably a poorly constructed software programme. Its main failing is only one way communication, upwards, that appears to be reliant upon interpretation at GP staff levels, where errors occur. There also appears to be no communication between either GP practice or other participating professionals such as pharmacies. The experienced outcome is that MHOL forwards the requests to the GP's nominated practice, for approval.

So not user friendly

So not user friendly : Was very complicated to log in. Link key was at the bottom of text message. How on earth would an older person manage who's not tech savy. And with my GP practice you still have to phone them as you can't book appointment through this site. So what is the point of it ?

Frankly it doesn't work!

Frankly it doesn't work! Every time I try to logon it tells me that I'm locked out, Error code 1001, and to refresh browser etc. So, I just use 'Forgotten my password' tab and go through all the rigmarole of doing that to request repeat prescriptions, but the next time I login with m y new password it chucks me out again.

Just terrible, avoid like the plague

Just terrible. It worked fine for a bit until it wouldn't let me sign in with the correct password. My surgery deleted the account and opened a new one and then the trouble began. Apparently I can't link up to my gp surgery because I'm already linked up and I can't use the service at all because I'm not linked up to my gp surgery.... Go figure.


Garbage. The fact I actually had to watch the tutorial was a bad sign. It sounds like they got Sarah Jarvis to voice it, (maybe they should have spent the money on decent programmers) however the site seems to have changed rendering said tutorial useless.

Utter rubbish

Utter rubbish. Just tried to log in and was told that the letters of my memorable word were incorrect. Checked it against the 'hint', even though I knew I had not made any mistake. The letters I used were correct. Cannot log in, now locked out. Last time this happened I had to go to the GP surgery with my passport to be re-registered.

How often do you have to see a nurse for repeat medication?

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.

How to request a repeat prescription?

You may request repeat prescriptions by ticking the items required on the slip. This can then be posted in the prescriptions box just inside the practice entrance or handed in at the reception desk. You can also hand the request into the pharmacy that usually dispenses your prescriptions.

How can you get EPS?

You need to choose a place for your GP practice to electronically send your prescriptions to. This is called a nomination. You can choose:

How many prescriptions does Swan Surgery take?

The Swan Surgery receives over 200 prescriptions requests every day. Our prescription clerk has to check your medical records to ensure that your medication request is on your repeat prescription, then request it and pass it to your doctor. Between clinics, your doctor will double check the medication to ensure that it is still appropriate for you.

What is an emergency prescription?

Emergency prescription requests are requests for medication which you need within 24 hours to prevent you becoming seriously ill. Emergency medications may include; epileptic medication, insulin, inhalers for lung conditions, emergency contraception and Epipen for anaphylaxis.

Can you see your prescriptions online?

Yes, your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescriptions now.

Can you get emergency prescriptions while waiting for surgery?

If you need an emergency prescription, you must hand it in to the surgery by Midday to have it completed later that day.Emergency prescriptions will not be done while you wait. This facility is carefully monitored and should not be abused. Any emergency requests will be noted on your medical record.

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